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International Gay & Lesbian Review

Un amor que se atrevio a decir su nombre: La lucha de las lesbianas y su relacion con los movimientos homosexual y feminista en America Latina

by Norma Mongrovejo

Mirka Negroni: Mirka Negroni has an MA in public administration with an emphasis on administration of NGOs. she has editged tghree books, one on women's rights and sexual orientation in Spanish and two others on sexual orientation in Brazil. She is currently working on a research project about HIV/AIDS and human rights in Mexico and Central America at the National Institute for Public Health in Mexico as Investigator.

Using oral histories and interviews with key players, this book attempts to look at the history of lesbian movements in Latin America and their relationship to the feminist and homosexual movements. The book outlines three key stages the search for equality, the search for autonomy and the search for diversity and includes information from Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.

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International Gay & Lesbian Review
Los Angeles, CA