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International Gay & Lesbian Review

And Thus Will I Freely Sing: An Anthology of Gay and Lesbian Writing from Scotland

by Toni Davidson

Edwin Morgan: This abstract is from the cover of the book.

Toni Davidson is to be congratulated on bringing together this first collection of Scottish lesbian and gay writing, and as a first collection it rightly covers a wide range of material — documentary, prose, fiction, and verse. The tone of the contributions varies from the highly assured to the tentative, but a recurring note of painful and sometimes very moving honesty shows just how important such a collection must be as a first move towards greater openness. Particularly at a time when Section 28 allows an as yet undefined but potentially very oppressive threat to hang over the presentation of gay material, it seems all the more necessary to defend the freedom to publish work based on this inescapable part of human experience.

—Edwin Morgan, from the “Introduction”

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International Gay & Lesbian Review
Los Angeles, CA