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International Gay & Lesbian Review

Bring the Feast: Songs from the Re-Imagining Community

edited by 1993 Re-Imagining Conference Steering Committee

This abstract is adapted from the cover of the book and materials sent by the publisher.

Edited by members of the 1993 Re-Imagining Conference's steering committee, this book offers an insightful, expansive, sometimes painful but ultimately homeful vision of faith, gender, and God.

Bring the Feast is a collection of 49 songs gathered by the Re-Imagining Community, a group that grew out of the acclaimed Re-Imagining Conference held in Minneapolis in 1993. In the spirit of that global ecumenical event, Bring the Feast presents songs commissioned within the community and its conferences since 1993 in addition to songs that have become well known at these gatherings. It also includes new works composed for his collection. This songbook lifts up the work of women writers in particular, though not exclusively. Its fresh imagery will help the Christian community to experience and integrate the voice of the feminine, Divine and incarnated.

This collection represents a consortium of musical and poetic editing skills, including those of Joan Prefontaine, Donna Kasbohm, Jane Ramseyer Miller, and Madelin Sue Martin as convener and music editor. Musical settings include many from world cultures — Latin America, the Asian Rim, and Africa — plus numerous European and American traditional hymn tunes. These are combined with a large number of new compositions to create a songbook that is well balanced and richly diverse.

Informative notes on the history and development of each song are included and may be used as an introduction.

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International Gay & Lesbian Review
Los Angeles, CA