Jesse Monteagudo: This review was originally published in Gay Today ( Vol. VII Issue 147). It is reprinted with permission from online. Jesse Monteagudo is a freelance writer and gay book lover who lives in South Florida with his life partner.
Israel, like all civilized countries, allows openly gay and bisexual men to serve in its military. Brothers and Others In Arms is the first book to explore the lives of gay and bisexual men in Israeli combat units. Part I, “The Soldiers' Stories” are in-depth interviews with men who serve in various units of the Israeli military: the Paratroops Brigade, the Nathal Brigade, the Secret Reconnaissance Unit, the Military Yeshiva, the Armored Corps, a missile boat, etc.
Part II, “Walking on a Tightrope” is an in-depth analysis of the “masculitary culture” that governs Israeli military life as well as that of other countries. Don't let the “sexy” cover - a commercial ploy - fool you. Brothers and Others In Arms is thoroughly a work of scholarship.
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