The abstract is from the cover of the book.
CASSELL'S PINK DIRECTORY is the first ever comprehensive guide to the UK's growing multitude of lesbian and gay social and political communities, businesses and services.
Easy to use, this practical guide gives thorough listings covering all aspects of the lesbian and gay community including where to find: accountants, activism, acupuncture, black lesbian and gay groups, clubs/bars, counselling, courses (academic and adult education), disabled groups, doctors, health education resources, homeopaths, hotels, lawyers, masseurs, media, medical advice, religious lesbian and gay groups, restaurants, sex shops, social groups, tattooists, young lesbian and gay groups, and more…
Fully endorsed by London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard, now celebrating its 25th anniversary, CASSELL'S PINK DIRECTORY brings you up-to-the-minute information you can rely on.
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