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International Gay & Lesbian Review

Families of Value: Gay and Lesbian Parents and Their Children Speak Out

by Jane Drucker

The abstract is from the cover of the book.

With an estimated 6 to 14 million children living with a gay or lesbian parent, a new constellation of American families is emerging into the mass consciousness. Gay and lesbian parents and their children face many obstacles that arise out of the ignorance and prejudice of the public at large. There is a real need for the dissemination of accurate information about the realities of these quintessentially 1990s families. The controversial political focus on “family values” and the concurrent explosion of debate about gay and lesbian rights make this the ideal time to present a snapshot of American gay and lesbian parenting.

FAMILIES OF VALUE arises from a personal quest on author Jane Drucker's part to explore her desire to raise a child in a homosexual home in the midst of a homophobic culture. It is not, however, her story. It is instead a compelling collection of stories by and about nearly two dozen families in which gay fathers and lesbian mothers are raising children in a wide variety of settings and styles. The children range in age from infancy to 38 years old. Some parents are in committed relationships, some are single. Some knew early in life that they were homosexual and chose to raise families within this context, some came to understand and accept their sexual orientation after their children were born.

Drucker explores a variety of issues that have an impact on the lives of her subjects. From its opening discussion, which defines the meaning of “family,” the book moves on to concerns about interpersonal relationships, sexual and psychological development, coming out, facing prejudice, and finding a spiritual foundation. The book's overriding lesson is that children thrive in an environment of love, regardless of the number, gender, or sexual orientation of the adults who provide that love.

FAMILIES OF VALUE is a refreshing balance between informational material and personal anecdotes. The author clearly speaks to gay fathers, lesbian mothers, their adolescent and adult children, and extended family members—such as the siblings, parents, and friends of gay or lesbian people. Anyone who wishes to meet a variety of interesting and courageous families and to open their minds to a novel discussion of family values will enjoy this book.

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International Gay & Lesbian Review
Los Angeles, CA