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International Gay & Lesbian Review

Gay and Lesbian Asia: Culture, Identity, Community

by Peter A. Jackson and Gerard Sullivan

Abstract from book sleeve.

This book considers the diversity of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered identities in countries including Korea, Thailand, China, Malaysia, India, Singapore, and the Philippines. Although many Asian cultures borrow the language of the West when discussing queerness, the attitudes, relationships, and roles described are quite different. Some of the topics included in this volume are globalization theory in the context of the Western gay identity movement, Foucauldian discourse on sexuality and distinct erotic cultures, the formation of gay cybercommunities in Asia, the effects of film and video images, class distinctions on Jakarta lesbians, and political and cultural analyses of gay and lesbian comradeship and filial relationships in Chinese societies.

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International Gay & Lesbian Review
Los Angeles, CA